
Pediatric patients may need to use rinses more than adults
Kristin Goodfellow, RDH, writes about the major benefits of rinsing, and newer mouthrinses like OraCare mouthrinse, that have the same ability to kill bacteria, but without the side effects of traditional mouthrinses like chlorhexidine.

Pediatric guided growth and development
Patrick Kircher, pediatric and airway specialist and founder of Nexus Dental Systems, explains how pediatric dentists’ attention to airway issues can prevent misdiagnosis of ADD/ADHD.

Pediatric sleep issues last a lifetime; join the movement ASAP
Pediatric sleep disorders need to be properly diagnosed before they can be properly treated

Functional chewing and nasal breathing
Chewing correctly is essential to cranio-facial growth

Which one is the best?
In an airway-focused practice, myofunctional systems need to be appropriate to individual needs and age of the child.

Pediatric dentists are the obvious ones to help children breathe, sleep, and prosper!
Pediatric dentists need to inform patient’s parents their children’s future airway health and possible treatment options.