Standing out by delivering an outstanding experience for patients and parents

Dr. Jennifer Villalta brings smiles back to her patients’ faces with her empathetic personality and NuSmile ZR Anterior Zirconia Crowns.

Dr. Jennifer Villalta is an active advocate for pediatric patients

Nestled within the bustling streets of Southern California’s Playa Vista, Dr. Jennifer Villalta is redefining pediatric dentistry with a blend of innovation, compassion, and a keen eye for esthetic excellence. The Baby Teeth Studio practice isn’t just a dental office; it’s a sanctuary where children rediscover their self-esteem, parents discover peace of mind, and smiles are transformed.

“Nobody does it that way”

That’s what the office design group of one of the world’s largest dental products distributors told Dr. Villalta when she shared her dreams for her new pediatric dental practice. What they didn’t know is that Dr. Villalta had never blindly accepted the status quo or given in when facing adversity. She was firmly committed to her vision for how pediatric dental patients and their families should be treated, and so she simply found another design firm that shared that vision.

Dr. Villalta’s boutique dental office

An unconventional entrée into dentistry — for an unconventional dentist

Dr. Villalta’s road to becoming a dental practice owner and industry thought leader was, to say the least, a road less travelled. She was introduced to the dental profession at the age of 16, when she started working as a dental sterilization technician. Within a year, she obtained her Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) license. She began working full-time while taking night classes at Santa Rosa Junior College. She then transferred to UCLA, where she was awarded an academic scholarship and earned a B.S. degree in Physiological Sciences. While attending UCLA, she continued to work as a RDA at a federally qualified health center (FQHC) serving children from under-resourced communities. There she noticed that not all pediatric patients had esthetic options for restoring their teeth as most patients had silver crown full-coverage restorations, even for anterior teeth.

Dr. Villalta went on to complete her residency at UCLA, where she hoped to learn more about esthetic restorative options for her young and often economically disadvantaged patients. However, because financial and educational limitations prevent most residency programs from being able to teach esthetic dentistry, Dr. Villalta knew she would have to seek this education on her own.

To that end, she attended the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry’s Annual Conference, where she first encountered NuSmile®. “NuSmile’s RESTORE workshop really opened my eyes to advanced techniques beyond stainless steel crowns and fillings,” Dr. Villalta recounts. The workshop exposed her to the technical aspects of modern pediatric dentistry and to a community of like-minded professionals eager to push the boundaries of traditional care. “It felt like a mini-residency,” she recounts, “and equipped me with not just new clinical skills, but a mindset focused on patient self-esteem, comfort, and esthetics.”

Dreaming big — and making the dream come true

With a little over a year of practice experience under her belt, Dr. Villalta — “Dr. Jen” to her patients and their parents —  founded The Baby Teeth Studio as a place where dental care transcends the technical and embraces the artistic. “Most people, especially kids, hate going to the dentist,” she asserts. “So why not make them feel like they’re about as far away from a dental office as they could possibly be?”

She adds, “I serve a diverse population of patients, ranging from kiddos who live in foster care to kiddos with affluent parents who have high health IQs. One thing that connects all families is that they almost always prefer esthetic options for their kids.” The Baby Teeth Studio quickly became known for its ability to offer better esthetic alternatives in an upbeat environment.

Empowering parents with choices: the social media effect

Dr. Villalta’s impact extends far beyond her studio walls, thanks to her active presence on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. “I started sharing educational content online during the pandemic,” she explains. “It became a way to connect, educate, and empower parents to make informed decisions.”

Dr. Villalta’s commitment to esthetic dentistry is about dignity, not just appearance. She passionately advocates for using the best possible products to ensure that every child leaves her office with a smile they’re proud of.

Dr. Villalta connects with Xio and Brooklyn before their appointments

One family’s experience highlights the transformative impact of Dr. Villalta’s approach. Xio’s mom stumbled upon Dr. Villalta’s TikTok page in a moment of desperation when searching for a way to restore her child’s smile and confidence after she had stainless steel crowns placed on her anterior teeth.

Dr. Villalta puts Brooklyn at ease prior to her procedure

Upon Xio’s first visit to The Baby Teeth Studio, Dr. Villalta and her team immediately recognized the emotional toll the previous treatment had taken on the young girl. “Xio was apprehensive, extremely nervous, anxious, and withdrawn,” Dr. Villalta remembers. “It was heartbreaking to see how much her self-esteem had been affected. Her parents mentioned Xio stopped smiling like she used to prior to the placement of silver crowns on her front teeth.”

“We replaced SSC with NuSmile Zirconia Anterior Crowns. The transformation was incredible with her appearance, comfort, and confidence.”

Dr. Villalta devised a treatment plan that not only addressed Xio’s dental needs, but restored her confidence. “We replaced Xio’s stainless steel crowns with NuSmile ZR Anterior Zirconia Crowns,” she explains. “The transformation was incredible with her appearance, comfort, and confidence.” Xio’s mom also noticed an immediate change in her daughter. “She couldn’t stop smiling and showing off her new teeth,” she reports. She was also struck by the contrast between their initial traumatic experience at the prior dental practice, which she described as “literally like an assembly line,” and the personal, compassionate treatment they received at The Baby Teeth Studio.

Xio’s sister Brooklyn soon became a patient as well. “At first, she was just as anxious and scared as Xio had been,” recalls Dr. Villalta. In keeping with her philosophy of tailoring treatment to each patient’s unique needs, Dr. Villalta readily accommodated Brooklyn’s parents’ requests to avoid stainless steel crowns, general anesthesia, and anything else that might further traumatize her. She chose a new posterior crown from NuSmile called BioFlx® due to it’s esthetics and ease of placement to complete Brooklyn’s treatment with the use of nitrous over multiple visits. According to her mom, “Brooklyn now loves coming to the dentist, so much so that she pretends to be Dr. Jen when she and her sisters play dentist at home.”

Xio (left) and Brooklyn (right) proudly showing their new smiles to the camera

The power of community and transparency

Beyond clinical excellence, Dr. Villalta stands out for her transparency and community engagement. Her robust social media presence, including her popular “Tuesday Tips” collaboration with NuSmile, has become a trusted resource for parents and dentists seeking dental advice and insights. Her postings are not just informative but empowering, demystifying dental procedures and fostering a sense of community among parents and dental professionals alike.

As a NuSmile Key Opinion Leader, she is able to learn about the latest products on the market from the other members of the NuSmile family of pediatric dentists around the world. “I’m so fortunate to be able to get their expert opinions on what works, how they use it, how their patients like it, and what the ROI is,” she says. And she repays the favor by sharing her insights as well.

Dare to be different — and to make a difference

“My whole life, I’ve been told, ‘You’re too over the top,’ ‘You can’t talk that way’ and ‘You can’t dress that way,’” says Dr. Villalta. “Well, guess what? When you dare to be different, people might find it to be refreshing, fun, and appealing. And it helps you stand out from the crowd, which is what any dental practice — any business, period — needs to do.”

Dr. Villalta understands that many young dentists would like to have the autonomy that comes with running their own practice, but they’re afraid to make what feels like a risky leap. “I get it. I’m still scared every day,” she says. “But I’m so thankful that I can sleep well every night knowing that I’m providing the care I want, using the products I want, in the way I want for my patients and their parents. And in the morning,” she adds, “I can’t wait to get up and get to my practice.”


At The Baby Teeth Studio, having a range of restorative products plays a pivotal role in Dr. Villalta’s practice. “The versatility of NuSmile products ensures that we have tailored solutions for every child,” Dr. Villalta explains. “These products aren’t just about esthetics; they’re about functionality, comfort and self-esteem.”

As Dr. Villalta continues to expand her influence through social media and innovative dental procedures, her commitment to children’s dental health remains unwavering. “Every smile transformed is a testament to the power of choice and education,” she says.

In the ever-evolving landscape of pediatric dentistry, The Baby Teeth Studio stands out as a beacon of innovation and compassion. Dr. Villalta continues to comfort and empower patients, transform smiles, and redefine what it means to provide outstanding dental care for children.

Dr. Jennifer Villalta is a board-certified pediatric dentist known for her exceptional, personalized care and dedication to making children smile. Dr. Villalta started her career working full-time at an orthodontic practice while attending Santa Rosa Junior College in the evenings. Her determination led her to UCLA on an academic scholarship, where she earned a B.S. in Physiological Sciences. After a gap year dedicated to humanitarian missions with the U.S. Navy and other military branches, and backpacking through Southeast Asia and Europe, she completed her dental education at the UOP Arthur A. Dugoni Dental School. She then obtained a Pediatric Dental Specialty certificate and a Master of Public Health from UCLA. Bringing her rich experiences and deep compassion to her practice, Dr. Villalta inspires her young patients and their families with health and confidence. Celebrating over 20 years in the field, she proudly owns a boutique startup dental office, fulfilling her dream of creating a positive impact in pediatric dentistry.


Disclosure: Dr. Villalta serves as a Key Opinion Leader for NuSmile.

Read the story of another pediatric dentist, Dr. E. LaRee Johnson, who also depends on compassion and NuSmile products to help her care for her young patients.